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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

•••Has Anyone Else Felt...•••

...lost?? These last few nights I almost feel lost without the Olympics being on every night. For the last two weeks I have come home every night and from 8p.m. until I fell asleep on the couch, I would watch swimming, diving, table tennis, volleyball, track, gymnastics, and my personal favorite...trampoline (who knew that was even an event?!?). I loved to hear all the competitor's background stories and their struggles to get where they are today. The Olympics provided me with a love story (the German weightlifter who won gold and held his wife's picture up during the medal ceremony because it was her death in a car accident last year that propelled him to his victory), drama (did the Chinese gymnastics team cheat?), suspense (can Michael Phelps win eight gold medals?), and heroism (Dara Torres winning an Olympic medal at the age of 42 almost beating a 24 year with in one one hundredth of a second...a great accomplishment as a woman and a mother who was told she couldn't do it) all wrapped up in one show. Last night just wasn't the same when we were watching news, Justen's latest hunting show (ick!), or The Hills. Oh well, I guess I will have to regroup, get used to going to bed before 2a.m., gear myself up for the newest seasons of Dancing with the Stars and Grey's Anatomy, and begin my countdown for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Toronto. :)

(Photo courtesy of HongKongWong.com)

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