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Saturday, January 16, 2010

•••Mr. E's Six Months | Douglasville Children's Photographer•••

Yea! Mr. E turned six months! Last weekend I headed to the C family's house for Mr. E's six month photo shoot. I had been on lockdown for the better part of three days due to the ice and snow still in our neighborhood so I was super excited to have a reason to get out of the house and see one of my favorite family's. Mr. E was adorable in his little blue jean overalls, and the C family were even brave enough to take a few shots outside in the super cold weather. I was nervous we would upset Mr. E going outside, but he seemed to love it. He kept giggling and smiling! Soon I realized though he is one of the happiest six month olds I have seen! He giggled and smiled the entire time. In the rare moments he wasn't laughing, it was because in true six month old fashion he had his cute little hands and feet in his mouth. Here is Mr. E's sneak peek...
When he would sit up I noticed he kept curling his toes. So cute!



Mr. E says bye and he will see you guys again in three months! :)


Carrie Beth said...

I love his big eyes and those LONG lashes. Adorable!

Lizzi said...

He is so stinking adorable!!!